Sunday 21 April 2013

Farewell, RBC/RBR crews and boats

Another gorgeous morning. Alison very under the weather after drinking too much (at least two glasses of wine - what a lightweight!). Managed to just get ready to motor out of the lock. Lots of people came to see us off - many were expecting a few more boats, but we filled the lock so that was OK. Alison got her act together enough that I could focus on taking pictures. Some of the best ones I posted to the East Coast Gaffers Facebook page. Here is one of Robinetta.
We had a lovely time taking pictures of the boats as they went down to Osea Island for the official Classic Boat photo shoot. I think we managed to keep out of shot for those.

Went back to Mersea and came home, bringing the saddle with us. Next time we will sail!

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