Sunday 6 April 2014

Dressing the Mast

 Julian spent all Sunday dressing the mast, while I worked in the cabin, putting varnish on some surfaces that had not been touched since we bought the boat. The main reason for doing them now was because I needed to put a coat of varnish on the cockpit where putting varnol on a cleat had eroded the epifane that the cleat contacted. The Epifane there has peeled off completely while still being solid in other places. Both cleat and cockpit  are now epifaned! (only one coat yet though.)

Julian did sterling work on the mast, although the varnish was still very soft and he had to be careful not to damage it. One of the strops had vanished over the winter, so he made a rope one to replace it. It should last until the next time the mast comes out!

 When it was done it looked like this:

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