Saturday 31 August 2013

Passenger not crew

I was under strict instructions from both Julian and Yvonne not to touch any of the ropes, which was quite easy to obey since my index and little fingers are both partner splinted to their adjacent digits and I have no grip. I was put in charge of the radio instead, and told not to come on deck until we were clear of the harbour and any temptation to help!
As we headed through the lock we got a call from Dover Harbour Control. The marina wanted to talk to us, so we tied up on the waiting pontoon and Julian headed up to the office. Turns out he had forgotten to pay....
We were soon off again and heading out of the western harbour entrance. Harbour control asked us to dawdle once we were clear of that entrance, to let a procession of ferries enter through the eastern entrance. so we motored slowly along the outside of the breakwater. The wind was in our faces and there was no point putting the sails up. It was a real slog getting round the South Foreland, and I stayed below dozing almost the whole time while Julian and Yvonne took it in turn to helm.

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