Wednesday 27 February 2013

Slow progress

I only managed to get to Robinetta twice in the past fortnight, so progress has been horribly slow. It's too cold to work outside with the temperature below 5°C, but now I've got an electricity hook up I can run our trusty fan heater in the cabin and be snug while I sort out the galley.

The rib at the aft of the galley (inside the cabin, but abutting the cockpit) is a cause for concern. This is the area where the rotten galley work surface occurred, and the screw holding its support in place went straight into the rib. The screw corroded totally and the rib around it is very soft. I've dried it out thoroughly, and put wood hardener into it, but I don't think it has much structural strength left. Its position means there are a lot of other supporting timbers, so I'm not too worried but I'll have to keep an eye on it.

One of the scantlings is also soft, so soft I've been able to carve out the rotten area. It's above bulwark height though, so I'll just fill the missing area with epoxy once its hardened up.

I've got two coats of primer on the galley area, and most of the support batons in place. Next job is to cut the ply for the work surface. I've made a template out of corex, so I'll cut the ply at home in the garage. I don't have a heater in there though, so it's really difficult making myself do it!

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