Saturday 28 August 2021

Putting her back together

Julian spent most of the day getting the electrics sorted out, (he might post details himself?) which included getting the new running lights to work. Meanwhile I washed down the insides, reinstalled various bits and pieces, and re-caulked the bits, which had been leaking for a while.

The water tanks have been empty ever since the winter of 2019, so I began the process of getting them back in commission by filling them with a solution of Puriclean. Tomorrow I will pump that out, refill the tanks, and pump them out again. The it is time to replace the charcoal filter, and finally fill with drinking water. All that pumping out will drain the batteries if I don't have the engine on to power the pump, so the new engine's first use will not be for propulsion but electricity generation... This will at least help with the running in of the engine "Five hours of gentle use before you start to push it," went the instructions from Mike French!

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