Saturday 1 June 2013

not back in yet

The tides were not good for getting Robinetta back into the water on Friday, so after I found out that the person we had invited to come sailing on Saturday would not be coming I told the yard she did not need to go in. This meant we could work on her on dry land over the weekend.

Julian got the fore hatch back in place on its hinges properly, and I gave it another couple of coats of Varnol. It's so easy to do, that the fact that it does not last as a finish doesn't worry me! I also got a second coat of varnish on the cap rails on the foredeck bulwarks. The main hatch was also ready for its finish, so I gave it six coats of Varnol. In between coats of Varnol I got Toplac on the bits of hull that Alex put primer on on Thursday, It's amazing what two good painting days can do to get a wooden boat looking smarter!

I made some new longer crutches for the boom, so I could bring the old ones home and re-varnish them properly.

There is still a lot I could do, the bits need attention, more coats of varnish and varnol are needed, and in an ideal world I'd sand down the whole of the blue hull and get a complete coat of Toplac on for the season. It's not going to happen though!

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