Saturday, 8 March 2025

New cabin sides

 As always when a wooden boat gets work done more problems emerge. We were expecting this with Robinetta, and when Tim started work on the cabin sides he discovered some "mushroomy wood". This could be cut out, and just the section replaced, but we have done this before, and now have a plank that is in sections from the cockpit to the inside of the hanging locker with but joints. The new rot section needs replacing to half way along the cabin side. Replacing the whole plank will give us a much better job, and should mean that we do not need to replace another part of the plank in a couple of years.

The floor bolts that Tim identified as a possible cause of the garboard leaks have been pulled, and did indeed need replacing.
Julian did a rough repair on the hole though the port bulwark where the bowsprit goes though before we launched in 2024, but this has now been replaced and strengthened.
The teak bulwark facing the foredeck has been resplined. That's another of Robinetta's cabin leaks fixed.

We still intend to head north as soon as we can, but our departure date from Ullapool is getting later. Mid April, rather than the end of March is still early, but we shall see!


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