Wednesday 21 August 2024

A wet day in Crinan Basin

 Julian did a little playing with the electronics and finsihed the tiller pilot mount he was making, but did not fit it, as that would have meant drilling in to the cockpit in the rain.

He also had an idea for rigging a line along the boom so we could hook our accidental gybe preventer on it when reefed. It was just too wet to do much, and I spent the day reading.

Why were we just sitting there? The met office forecast says it all.

Valid from 06:00 UTC 21st August.

Mull of Kintyre to Ardnamurchan point.

South or South West 6-6 increasing 6 to gale 8, veering West or North West 4-6 later. Moderate or rough, becoming rough of very rough. Rain

+24 hours. West or North west 4-6 occasionally 7 in north, backing South West 3-5 later. Rough or Very rough, becoming moderate of rough later.

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