Tuesday 21 May 2024

Heading back to Rosneath

 We left Holyloch under engine at about 16:00, having filled up the fuel tanks and spare cans at the marina. We expected to be motoring all the way home as there was very little wind, but Julian got the jib set up ready and hoisted the mainsail. What wind there was came from due East, so we headed south east at first, in the hope that we would be able to sail across the Clyde on our way home. 

We turned the engine off, and tried sailing, but were not making against the last of the ebbing tide, so  after 10 minutes we furled the jib and the engine went back on. All this was in bright sunshine, but looking up the Clyde the visibility was terrible. We could hardly see Helensburgh, and the rain was heading our way.

Within minutes we were motoring into a force 4 headwind. Did we want to use the wind to sail? Not really. The rain was pouring down and we had only brought our light weight walking coats rather than our wet weather sailing gear. I stayed on the helm for the whole trip while Julian took shelter below for a little, but he soon joined me in the cockpit again. The wind dropped to force 3, but the rain continued pounding down. 

Once the tide turned in our favour we sped up, and we did motor sail a little as we started to curve round into the Gairloch, but I was getting cold and Julian agreed that we just wanted to get home as quickly as we could.

By the time we were passing Rhu marina the wind had died completely, and the rain had gentled to drizzle. Julian got the main sail down and bagged the jib under way. By the time we were through the Rhu Narrows the rain had died away to nothing.

As soon as we picked up our mooring buoy at 18:45 I headed below to put the kettle on for a hot drink and change into dry clothes. Julian was not got as wet, and stayed on deck, getting Robinetta stowed away. The cabin felt wonderful and warm!

Next time we go sailing, however good the forecast, I WILL take my full set of foul weather oilies and footwear!

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