Saturday 17 September 2022

Back on Board, Kerrera (Oban) to Puilladobhrain

Gallanach Ferry
We got the train to Oban, arriving at 11:20. We had already decided to get the Calmac Ferry not the marina one as it was cheaper and more frequent. Also the best Kerrera ferry for the train time was already full… The ferry from Gallanach ran every half hour, and was a mile and a half walk from the train station, then a mile from the disembarkation point to the marina. We stopped for lunch first, so arrived at Gallanach at ten to one. That was when we discovered that the ferry stopped running for lunch and the next one was not until 14:05.

A cool breeze and overcast sky meant that the wait was chilly, but dry. A queue of people had built up but we had been waiting longest so got on the first crossing. This was still too late to take Robinetta to the fuel pontoon which was only available until 14:00 on Saturdays. I wanted fuel since we had not been able to fill the tanks except via cans since Arbroath. My first task on arrival at the marina was to check the fuel level in the tanks (about half full in both), then tip in the final 8ltrs from the fuel cans we had filled in Mallaig. The forecast was for variable winds for the next 3 days, so fuel might be an issue. I am not sure how long it will take me to get over running a tank dry on the way to Grimsby!

Worm did not need to be emptied, and Robinetta was dry inside too, so it did not seem there had been much rain while we were away. We had been shown another Mouse Pram just finished built in the shed when we were left Kerrera, and now we saw it floating beside Worm. They looked quite different as the new dinghy was painted not varnished.

The wind felt strong and gusty in the marina, so Julian bent on the no 2 jib before we backed off the pontoon at 15:55. Twenty minutes later we were sailing down the Sound of Kerrera at 5 knots. The wind did not stay that helpful all afternoon, but we persisted with sailing, and did not put the engine back on until after we had dropped the main sail just outside the anchorage at Puilladobhrain. There were 7 yachts already at anchor, and another came in just after us. It started raining as we picked out the best place to drop the anchor.

Bridge over the Atlantic
Seven miles made for a short sail, but we had started late, and by the time we were anchored it was 19:00. We had thought about walking to the pub, but the rain discouraged us, and we spent a quiet night on board. We needed to do a little planning anyway.

We had thought about heading down the west side of Jura, and anchoring overnight in Loch Tarbert. (Yes, yet another Loch Tarbert!). My desire to get fuel as soon as possible meant a change of plan, and we decided to head for Croabh Marina, then carry on down the sound of Jura instead.

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