Friday 1 April 2022

Sleeping on the boat at the end of March

On Wednesday night Julian and I were at the Cruising Association, picking up an award for my log of the trip from Tollesbury to Southwold. Duncan Wells, the judge for the award, said that he kept waiting for the next breakage, with the expectation that it would be the newly installed engine. Well done to French Marine for that not being the case!

Our aim for the next week is to continue that cruise north now that all our breakages have been mended, so we headed to Southwold by train and bus. Walking from Southwold to Walberswick, weighed down by our bags tired me out, so it was just as well that the weather forecast would not let us leave that day. Ah, the weather... After 3 sunny weeks of Spring Winter came back with a vengeance. We saw snow lying from the train, and the north easterly wind was blowing at force7, gusting 9.

We bundled up against the cold to sleep, and were quite cosy in double sleeping bags, woolen base layers, pajamas and hoodies. This morning we have snow flurries, a temp of 4C, and a wind forecast of force 6 gusting 7 until 4pm. When I got back to Robinetta after a trip to the shore heads and the deli Julian had porridge on the go, and the spirit heater alight, which made the cabin feel toasty warm after my walk. I don't think we will be gong anywhere today.

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