Wednesday 7 March 2018

Rigging sorted

Got to Bristol by 09:30, and by lunch time I had re-fitted the solar panel, and managed to get the engine running in high revs in neutral to charge the batteries. It was simple enough
to do, as was making the engine cut off pull work again. It is amazing the difference working on things at the start of the day makes.

By the time I was ready to head home the boom and gaff were back in place, with the rigging running correctly. There are an odd assortment of blocks on the horse though, so work is needed. I brought the reefing wire home as the block attached to it is falling to pieces. I also had to wash the decks, as the beautiful clean paint had been covered in yard muck during the mast shenanigans.

I put more oil absorbent pads in the bilges as the water coming out when I tested the bilge pump seemed oilier than it should. Hopefully it is just residue from last year and not a new problem.

The toilet is now back in position, but not connected to the thru hulls. The lower one of these is letting in a persistent and steady drip the I want Julian to have a look at. Neither I nor Isaac could turn the valve, which is worrying.

All in all it was a productive day, but the three hours drive there, and the same back, made it a very long one. I will probably end up staying overnight occasionally in the next six weeks if I am to get everything done.

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