Tuesday 23 August 2011

...and out again

This year's visit to the Deben is really short. Just the Ramsholt dinner, then out again towards the Walton Backwaters. We listened to the 0710 weather forecast, and it sounded good for going there so long as we went early, the strong NW wind was due to die away before lunch. The OGA briefing was supposed to happen at 1030, but we decided not to wait.

Sue and Howard were heading over to Maryll in Victoria to have breakfast with Keith, so they picked Ben up and took him with them. We sailed off the mooring at 0910, and set off down river. Several other boats came too, since waiting for the tide could mean losing the wind. Baldrick and Kelpie II were behind us at first, but ineviatably overtook us in the river.

Everything was calm on the river, but the wind over tide by the safe water mark was rather horrible. Kelpie reefed, Baldrick headed close in shore on job and motor, and I got Julian to double reef the main and roll the job away. Things got more controllable once we turned onto our course, and an hour later at 11:10 we shook out the reefs and set the jib just before crossing the shipping lane.

We had meant to pick up a mooring but as we sailed past Stone Point and saw Baldrick and Kelpie II at anchor we changed our minds and dropped the anchor there for lunch.

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