Sunday 20 June 2010

Floating in the sky

The wind dropped to nothing as we slid gently into Mersea Quarters on the engine. The sky was mostly clear with some light in the west, some fluffy clouds and a bright half moon.

Our wash was the only movement on the water as we picked our way through the moorings. In the more open stretches the water acted as a perfect mirror, so we were looking down, as well as up at the clouds. It was eerie, and beautiful.

Looking forwards, there was absolutely nothing to indicate the surface of the water. It felt like we were motoring along in the middle of the sky. It was a really special feeling and worth staying out for, although I wouldn't get much sleep (early plane next morning).

When we got to the run of piles that marks the start of the Ray Channel it looked even weirder. There was no bend at all between the piles and their reflections, so they looked like really long piles I could see both ends of. It was almost impossible to tell how far away they were.

A stunning end to a great weekend.

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