Wednesday 26 August 2009

Lazy Day

Spent the day on the boat nursing Alison's cold.

Used the new micro-inverter plugged into the cigarette lighter socket to power my 15W soldering iron and put the VHF antenna plug back on properly. Works a treat!

We hitched a lift ashore for the barbecue in the evening. Everyone's a bit anxious because of the forecast; it looks as though we have to catch the first high water over the bar because the wind will be too strong again by the afternoon and might not drop again for a couple of days.

Joined after the barbecue by Rosemary who had being crewing on Kajan since Ipswich. Yvonne (Kajan's skipper) was not keen on risking the passage tomorrow so we said we'd take Rosemary instead.

Early night for the whole fleet as we need to get going about 4 am to catch start of the ebb over the bar.

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