We look over the rigging at the end of every year, but this year I had a look at the list of things we jury rigged or replaced after they broke during the season, which showed me we were too careless.
2024 both topping lifts
2022 bob stay hardener
2021 throat halyard
2016 back stay hardener
2013 main sheet, (replaced again 2022)
I decided to make a list of when the cordage was last changed, and replace anything over 10 years old. This showed me I needed to buy a new
staysail halyard, replaced 2011
jib halyard, replaced 2011
bob-stay hardener, unknown
topsail halyard/safety line, replaced 2010
staysail sheet, from purchase
We do try to change ropes before they break, and have some that is relatively new.
2022 "spare" halyard
2021 Peak halyard
2018 dead eye hardener.
Most of our rope was hardy hemp, but we are replacing it gradually with polyester
Hopefully making this list will remind me to only give the ropes ten years before replacement. Having said that we are still using the jib sheets from 2010. These are 12mm braid, and we carry a spare set, so I am not buying new ones just yet.
Robinetta's backstays were replaced in 2021 after we noticed they were kinking not coiling, a sign of fatigue, and one of our galvanised shrouds showed the same symptom this year. The shrouds are encased in tubing, so we will need to strip that off to double check. The forestay is the same age, having been on her since we bought her, so if we replace the shrouds we will also change the forestay.
More of that another time.